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About our Church

27 rue de Malvoisine, 85110 St Vincent Sterlanges:
Please Note: New Phone no: 02 51 31 23 71
e-mail address: allsaintsvendee2@gmail.com.

Following the Annual Meeting held on 14th May 2023,
this is the updated list of Officers:

Revd. Hazel Door, Chaplain and President
John Matthews, Lay Minister
Douglas Green, Churchwarden and Lay Vice-Chairman
Margaret Kent, Churchwarden and Treasurer of ASV Charitable Association
Iain McGregor, Council, Treasurer and Planned Giving Officer
Linda Gorton, Council and Secretary
Anne Condie, Council member and Safeguarding Officer
Fiona McGregor, Council and President of the ASV Charitable Association
Jenny Wilkinson, Council and Sunday Club leader
Geoffrey Kent, Council and Charitable Association Secretary
Martin Door, Archdeaconry Synod Representative.

In the main, the congregations comprise retired people who live in France, as well as folk who have second homes here, and holiday makers. Our congregations come from diverse Christian backgrounds.

For current church services please see our Home Page



Minutes of recent meetings


Pastoral Care


This can be described as the positive promotion of loving Christian care for each other; and covers all aspects of our individual and communal lives.  Because our congregations are dispersed over a wide area contacts have been named in each of the four quarters of the area covered by All Saints Vendée. If you need help, advice or information please phone one of the persons named below.

NW Vendée.   North of a line from Bretignolles to Chantonnay, west of a line from Chantonnay to Légé.
Contact   Jo Collinson   02 51 55 84 56

SW Vendée. South of a line from Bretignolles to Chantonnay, west of a line from Chantonnay to Marans.
There is no contact person at present. In case of emergency please contact David Pearson

N. Deux Sèvres/Vendée. North of a line from Ste Hermine to Parthenay, east of a line from Ste Hermine to Marans.
Contact: David Pearson 02 51 61 05 04 - or to leave a message: 09 63 01 83 78

S. Deux Sèvres/Vendée.  South of a line from Ste Hermine to Parthenay, west of a line from Ste Hermine to Marans.
No contact person at present. In case of emergency contact David Pearson

Pastoral Care Co-ordinator - David Pearson 02 51 61 05 04 - or to leave a message: 09 63 01 83 78

House Church Meetings – West Vendee

‘They devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and to the fellowship and the breaking of bread and to prayer.’ Acts 2 v 42

‘…..They broke bread in their homes and ate together with glad and sincere hearts praising God.’ Acts 2 v 46-7
As a response to the gap left by the fortnightly services of the All Saints Vendee some members of the congregation in the West of the Vendee started to meet together regularly on the in- between Sundays. Over time (they started in 2009) the fellowship has changed as members come and go, but the founding elements remain - the coming together of Christian brothers and sisters to praise, read the gospel, pray, worship, sing joyfully break bread together in remembrance of the risen Christ and finally enjoy fellowship with one another in that other Christian tradition of eating a meal.
 Meeting in one another’s’ houses has meant we get to see different areas as well as consolidate the cohesion of the group. Although we all attend the Church of England services the House Church is a little freer in praise and worship. There are no designated leaders as such but each can contribute and add to the service as the Spirit moves. The host/hostess will lead a homily but as this is a shared role there no set emphasis on a particular format . You are welcome to join us!

For further information contact either June West, Linda Gorton or Toni Chandler.

Midweek Activities

Home Groups

Home Groups are no longer taking place but if, after the Pandemic, you would be interested in joining a Home Group, please contact the Chaplain or any member of the Council.

South-west Vendée. A small group meeting in each member’s house in rotation.

The Women’s Fellowship meets on the 4th Thursday of each month. Its purpose is to share skills and talents in an atmosphere of friendly fellowship – and what a lot of talented and interesting people we have found among the group. Together we decide on our programme for the year. Sessions may be led by one of our members, or, from time to time, we have a craft afternoon where everyone brings something that they are working on, so we may find out more about fresh hobbies that we may be interested in pursuing. We have had talks on and introductions to, for example, bees and making honey, dolls and doll’s houses, drawing and watercolour painting, making soft toys or sweets or sausages. We have got together to make table centres for Christmas and icing flower decorations for cakes. The Women’s Fellowship is not exclusive to members of the Church and there are members who do not go to any church. Contact Marian Rackham richard.rackham@cegetel.net
and Maggie Calton. magandant@orange.fr


General Information

Sunday School Yes
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Church Buildings

ASV has the use of Roman Catholic church buildings. All services are followed by coffee and a bring and share lunch held in neighbouring rooms (salles des fêtes), hired from the local community.

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Ministerial Team  
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Other Lay Assistance Members of the Congregation assist with leading services, Bible readings, intercessions, welcoming and music for services.
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Newsletter The "Grapevine" is produced monthly and and is distributed to all members and friends of the congregation (mainly by e-mail). It is also available to read on this website. (see link)
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"Le Pont" is an Anglo/French Association based at St Hilaire de Riez. It is a non-sectarian organisation which was formed to help English people integrate into the local French community and for the French to involve themselves with us in friendly pursuits around leisure activities.    www.lepontasion.org 

As well as the normal links within the Diocese of Europe, we have close links with The Church of the Good Shepherd Poitou-Charentes, www.church-in-france.com, and with the Anglican church meeting in Ranton , Vienne (formerly at Arcay under the Rev. Geoffrey Colman), www.escoval.org.

The Intercontinental Church   Society (ICS) supported ASV with the provision of hymn books and has subsequently supported our priest-in-charge and congregation in the ICS prayer diary.

The Royal School of Church Music is an ecumenical Christian charity whose core purpose is education. RCSM France represents it here in France and you can find out more on www.rscmfrance.org

Ecumenical relationships

ASV has good relationships with local Roman Catholic priests and L’Église Protestante Unie. In addition, ASV has a memorandum of understanding with the Bishop of Luçon in respect of the two Roman Catholic churches currently used. For more details about activities see our notices section or visit the area for your specific church, listed on the right of this page.


Revd Hazel Door



26th November 2023
SERMON given by Lay Minister John Matthews
Read here


January 25 Grapevine has now been published and is available to read on line. Click here


In the hope that you will be planning a future event for ASV, please complete the attached SOCIAL EVENTS FORM. click here For more information, please click on NOTICES


Click on OUR CHURCH to read Summaries and Reports of Recent Church Meetings



Click on PREVIOUS SERMONS to read this week's Sermon


PLEASE NOTE : New Vicarage Phone no: 02 51 31 23 71






Sainte-Marthe, 85240 HOW TO FIND THE SALLE AT PUY DE SERRE More details,
click here





La Chapelle Palluau

Saint Pierre, 85670

More details,
click here


Contact All Saints Vendee

Contact - Nigel Pearce
Email - njp78@hotmail.com
Online enquiry form - Click here